The Rose of Persia
October 19, 20, 2001
Following the success of the 2000 concert, which had featured orchestral and choral works by Sir Arthur Sullivan, The Gilbert & Sullivan Very Light Opera Company’s Music Director, Steven Michael Utzig, was inspired to suggest another new venture to the company.
Mr. Utzig proposed that the Company produce a concert presentation of The Rose of Persia, an operetta written by Basil Hood, with music by Sir Arthur Sullivan. Mr. Utzig observed that this would be the regional premiere of this little known, seldom performed operetta. The Company agreed to present the work.
With the assistance of the Company’s Artistic Director, Wendy Evans, Mr. Utzig cast the show with regular Company members and others who auditioned, as well as a guest artist, Larry Weller, in the leading role of Hassan.
As with the 2000 concert, this concert presentation of The Rose of Persia prominently featured The Gilbert & Sullivan Very Light Opera orchestra on stage. The lead performers stood in front, on both the left and right sides of the orchestra, while the chorus stood on risers behind them. The performances took place at Saint Paul’s United Church of Christ, in Saint Paul.
An appreciative audience was in attendance for both concert presentations.
Two excellent internet resources for information about The Rose of Persia:
Wikipedia – The Rose of Persia
The Gilbert & Sullivan Archive – The Rose of Persia