Pinafore On-line Tickets Sales Data Bites

  • Approximately 2950 of 3075 tickers were sold.
  • 1898 tickets were sold on-line. That leaves about 1052 sold by mail, at the door, or Goldstar.
  • 26 orders used the no-fee page.
  • 65 orders (211 tickets) said they knew someone in the cast or orchestra or were in the orchestra.
  • Flyer checked 82 times. Word of Mouth checked 115 times.
  • 7 orders (23 tickets) said they found us on the internet for the first time.
  • 118 tickets were sold through Goldstar.
  • The first weekend did not sell out. The rest did.
  • The number of tickets sold exceeded the number of people who attended the show.
  • We paid $1320.61 in processing fees. We netted 1007 in fees collected. That leaves 313.61 in uncovered fees.
  • We collected 2924 in donations online.