GSVLOC Company Annual Meeting 2019
Please plan to attend the company annual meeting. It’s a great time. Honest!
The meeting will begin at Sunday, May 5, at 5:00 pm. It will be held at the Benbenek household: 2052 Sheridan Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN. 55405, Benbenek’s House, the site of great festivities.
Plan to arrive a half hour early to get settled, pay dues, pour beer, etc.
There will be beer 
There will be wine:
There will be cheese:
There will be non-alcoholic libation in liberal degree:
There will be marching topiaries
and understudy ferns:
These will be company business. (Get a look at the slimy underside of amateur opera politics.)
A truly great time for all.
Be there.